The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles (CCF-LA) is a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable religious corporation guided by the values of the Catholic faith. CCF-LA is further influenced by the best practices of community foundations operating in California and across the nation to be transparent and accountable for financial operations, especially for granting and contribution operations. CCF-LA is a separate legal entity from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles encourages the mission of CCF-LA through managed accounts and referrals. CCF-LA is self-governing and there are no guarantees, express or implied, from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to clients. While clients of CCF-LA are predominately Catholic, members of all faith groups that are in alignment with Catholic values are invited to join the growing numbers of individuals and organizations that entrust CCF-LA to manage their philanthropy through grants and charitable contributions.
CCF-LA Mission Statement
The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values.
CCF-LA was founded based on providing philanthropic services that are driven by the values of our faith in everything we do from issuing grants to managing investments. To be competitive in the community foundation space, we embrace the elements of teamwork to meet the expectations of our clients by delivering high levels of services, that in turn drive our reputation.
When the philanthropy of one individual, family and organization is joined with a community of like-minded people and organizations, it is now the power of the many within the CCF-LA that together impacts schools, social services, ministries, and all who benefit. It’s all about the power of philanthropy to positively affect individuals and charitable organizations in our local communities and beyond.
CCF-LA is guided by top financial, business, and legal professionals who are deeply committed to the quality of life for all who live in our world. That means investing and directing funding to meet the basic needs of every person—education, healthcare, and housing—while continuing to serve the Catholic community with vocations, parishes, sacramental life, and outreach to various ministries that focus on serving those most in need.
CCF-LA provides an important opportunity for people of all ages and income levels to learn about philanthropy. We offer charitable solutions for all stages of life age groups and encourage families to discuss and create a legacy of giving that will create real and lasting change.
We work with clients that are individuals, families, and organizations to support:
Building a Cultural Diversity and Catholic Identity.
Catholics come in all ethnic backgrounds, from all countries, and speak many languages, but what connects us all is our dedication to the faith and the commitment to love one another.
Education in the Faith.
Many of our grants go to support Catholic schools to improve their facilities and technology, additional funding for need- and merit-based scholarships and tuition assistance, and the expansion of classroom curriculum.
Promoting Religious Vocations.
We actively support the formation of priestly vocations through the Queen of Angels Center for Priestly Formation, St. John’s Seminary, and the House of Prayer for Priests. We also support religious communities of men, women, and laity and the formation of our Catholic school leaders.
Strengthening Marriages and Families.
We advocate for families and their ability to share values, experience sacramental life, express what is important, and create a plan to support those causes through the generations.
Building a Culture of Life.
Our clients are passionate about the dignity of life from conception to natural death for all, including service to the poor and disadvantaged, the elderly, children, and families.
Partner | Gatehouse Partners
Partner Emeritus, Irell & Manella LLP |
Vice Chairman
Managing Director | J.P. Morgan Wealth Management
Vice Chairman
President | Anderson & Anderson Law P.C.
Executive Managing Director | Jones Lang La Salle
Vice President/Treasurer (Ret.) |
I Edison International
Pastor at St. Cornelius Church, Long Beach, CA
Consultant | Private Investor and University Professor
Auxiliary Bishop | Our Lady of the Angels Region
Managing Director | Shea Ventures
Managing Director | Brightwood Capital Advisors
Los Angeles Partner in Charge | Frost Brown Todd LLP
CEO and Co-Founder | The John H. and Cynthia Lee Smet Foundation
Partner (Retired) | Freeman Spogli & Co.
Archbishop of Los Angeles
Ex Officio
Moderator of the Curia/Vicar General | Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Ex Officio
Chief Financial Officer | Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Ex Officio
Audit Committee
John C. Morrissey, Chair
Raul F. Salinas
William M. Wardlaw
Executive Committee
William M. Wardlaw, Chair
Louis M. Castruccio
Archbishop José H. Gomez
Edward C. Roohan
Governance & Nominating Committee
Lou Castruccio
Delia M. Roges
Raul F. Salinas
William M. Wardlaw
Investment Committee
John McNamee, Chair
David S. DeVito
John C. Morrissey
Raul F. Salinas
John Schnieders
Randolph E. Steiner
William M. Wardlaw
Development Committee
Edward C. Roohan, Chair
Linda Beaven
Kevin P. Bender
Janice Burrill
Kevin Delaney
Karen Dunphy
Mary Hatton
James McCaffery
Kathryn McCaffery
Quinn O’Donnell
Christine Smith
Frank Tabar
Tania Naaman — Director of Client Services, Corporate Secretary
Tania joined CCFLA in November 2022 where she leads the team in delivering superior client experience by collaborating closely with all our stakeholders. She develops relationships with existing clients and distributes grants to charitable organizations based on donors’ philanthropic intent. She reports to the president and executive director of CCF-LA.
Tania has more than 20 years of experience in the financial industry where she has led high performing teams in streamlining back-office operations, scaling-up businesses and delivering exceptional client service. She received a B.S. from Cornell University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is fluent in English, French and Arabic.
Armando Nevarez — Vice President of Finance, Controller and Treasurer
Armando supports the finance function to closely monitor the financial health of CCF-LA. As controller and assistant treasurer, Armando also manages the treasury process, and oversees the preparation of the financial statements and reports, budgets, tax filing, and implementation of monitoring of internal controls. In this role, Armando supervises payroll, accounts payable, receivable, and fee billing process, and holds a senior role in internal audit functions.
Armando comes to CCF-LA with over 15 years of finance, tax, and accounting experience. Armando holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics/International Area Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. In his spare time, Armando supports development activities at Cathedral High School. He and his wife have twin girls.
We recognize the absolute requirement to be fully accountable and transparent in our reporting to all of our stakeholders. It is our policy to complete a financial audit and a 990 report each year as well as produce an Annual Statement of Accountability (ASA). You can find PDFs of the financial statements and ASAs below. 990 statements are available upon request.
Investment funds under management
Our experienced Founders Board exercised care and due diligence in selecting and working with fund managers, the advisor, and the custodian. U.S. Bank serves as our custodian; fund managers are selected and managed by our Investment Committee, headed by John McNamee, and are advised by Callan.
Charitable gift services
Through our service provider, Stellar Technology Solutions, we have the largest independent gift service provider in the United States working with us to ensure the funds from our customers meet the financial and tax-reporting requirements of charitable funds, as do our own tax filings.
Audited Financial Statements and ASA:
2023 Annual Statement of Accountability
2023 Financial Statement
2022 Annual Statement of Accountability
2022 Financial Statement
2021 Annual Statement of Accountability
2021 Financial Statement
2020 Annual Statement of Accountability
2020 Financial Statement
2019 Annual Statement of Accountability
2019 Financial Statement
2018 Annual Statement of Accountability
2018 Financial Statement
2017 Annual Statement of Accountability
2017 Financial Statement
2016 Annual Statement of Accountability
2016 Financial Statement
2015 Annual Statement of Accountability
2015 Financial Statement
No job opportunities available at this time.
THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FAIR CHANCE ORDINANCE FOR EMPLOYERS: The Ordinance prohibits employers from asking individuals about their criminal history until after a conditional job offer has been made and requires employers to engage in a Fair Chance process before taking adverse actions such as taking back job offers, denying promotions, or terminating employment due to criminal history.
Click the link for more information
A community foundation is a publicly supported philanthropic and tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Community foundations manage individual and organizational funds for donations and grants to other nonprofit entities.
CCF-LA is a public, religious, nonprofit 501(c)(3) community foundation that accepts tax-deductible contributions, invests and manages those funds, and then makes grants to deserving, socially responsible causes and organizations.
When donors give to CCF-LA, they have the option of establishing an endowment or a donor-advised fund from which they can recommend how, when, and where their donated funds are distributed to charitable causes.
Donor-advised funds offer significant benefits over traditional family foundations, including advantages in tax filing and liabilities, reduced administrative costs, the capacity to give anonymously, and more.
For endowed funds (designated or donor-advised), a CCF-LA client’s giving and impact can be continued beyond his or her lifetime.
CCF-LA functions as a professional philanthropy management office for its donors, providing excellent customer service and customized giving solutions within a regulated and transparent business environment.
The foundation relieves donors of investment and regulatory reporting burdens while providing clients with comprehensive, up-to-date reporting on both the grants and donations made in their names.
Donations also realize immediate tax benefits for CCF-LA’s clients.
Funds are invested in options based on the client’s expected timeline for requesting grants from his or her funds. CCF-LA’s current investment options include a Balanced Pool designed for permanently endowed funds; a Short-Term Investment Fund, which preserves capital for a short timespan while client funds are being designated and granted; and an Intermediate Fund for the 18-to-36-month time period for recommending grants and cash options for granting needs. Clients may also ask CCF-LA to consider funding options they select. In all cases, the foundation is committed to being transparent when it comes to fund management and maintaining a socially responsible investment policy.
Grants from CCF-LA are made to support the mission of the Catholic Church and to support those organizations closely aligned with that mission. Because CCF-LA clients influence how and where their funds are given, grantees can include a wide array of charitable organizations in addition to the Catholic causes that these donors may have traditionally supported.
CCF-LA is distinguished by faith-based and socially responsible operations purposely aligned with the Catholic Church. The foundation’s Catholic mission is the most important factor in a donor’s decision to manage his or her philanthropy through CCF-LA.
While CCF-LA operates independent of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, it is guided by the goals of a Catholic, faith-based community and currently serves almost exclusively Catholic clients from across the Los Angeles region.
In order to maintain clarity and distinction between the pastoral mission of the Archdiocese and the broader philanthropic mission of CCF-LA, three key executives of the Archdiocese serve on the CCF-LA Board of Directors as ex-officio members.
Periodic reminders are sent to fund advisers to let them know about their grant-making capability and capacity, especially if a fund has not been active for over one year.
If a fund remains inactive for three years, the funds are transferred to a community fund managed by CCF-LA’s Board of Directors and aligned with the initial intention of the client. This assures charitable granting will continue and the fund will not be dormant.
An individual or couple who make a contribution in any amount to an existing fund at CCF-LA.
An individual who has been named in fund documents as having active authority to recommend grants from a fund.
An individual who has been named in Donor-Advised Fund documents as being next in line for the role of Fund Advisor; the transfer of authority takes place upon the death or inability of the Fund Advisor to fulfill his/her role.
An individual with the authority to make deposits, request distributions, view statements, etc., for an Agency Fund account; this individual is named and documented by the primary Investor.
An individual who is not an Advisor or Administrator but has been granted permission by an Investor or Adviser to view paper and/or online account statements; Interested Parties do not have authority to recommend grants, request distributions, or move money between accounts or investment options.
The primary, signatory authority on an Agency Fund Agreement; this organization can name one or more account administrators to manage deposits and withdrawals and other related business.
A fund established with a minimum $10,000 gift to CCF-LA for any general or specific purpose in line with the Catholic Church; grants out are recommended by a Fund Advisor (DAF). DAFs can be either
A unique type of Donor-Advised Fund, the NP DAF operates the same as our traditional DAF and can be established with only $2,000, with grants of $250 or more. The goal of the NP DAF Program is to teach philanthropy to the next generations.
An account established with a suggested minimum of $25,000 by a nonprofit or religious organization. CCF-LA provides professional money management and investment services to the client organization, while the organization retains ownership of the money. Deposits and spending guidelines are determined by the client. Requires an Investor signature to establish; can be open to multiple donors or maintained in confidence.
A permanent fund gifted to CCF-LA for the long-term support of a specific cause or purpose; subject to spending by the CCF-LA Board of Directors approval.
An account established by the client for the benefit of qualified students at levels pre-K through graduate programs and vocational schools. Endowed scholarship funds can be managed by the CCF-LA Board of Directors, by a family, or by a committee at a parish or school.
To guide our business operations in service to our mission, our Board of Directors adopts policies that reflect our values, promote transparency in all aspects of our business, define who we are as a charitable corporation, and describe the expectations of our staff, service providers, customers, and those we serve.
This policy protects the interests of our foundation whenever it is presented with a transaction that may appear to be benefiting the private interests of any director, officer, committee member, employee, or other person affiliated with us. The policy describes what potential conflicts are and requires strict record-keeping, including an annual “no conflicts” statement from any person involved.
This policy assures our customers that we maintain records that are compliant with applicable laws and regulations. This policy applies to our staff, officers, directors, consultants, contract workers, and temporary staff and governs paper, electronic, and voicemail records. A schedule and matrix are part of the policy and are reviewed annually.
This policy provides guidelines to our donors of the kinds of gifts and assets we accept to make grants and explains our thorough review process to ensure that a donor’s wishes can be carried out by the Foundation.
This policy explains our responsible and diversified approach to investing your charitable funds in opportunities that focus on preserving and enhancing your financial investment, which in turn maximizes the impact on your charitable-gifting objectives.
This policy describes how we protect and care for the personal information collected and entrusted to us by our donors and all who work with us. The policy is about how we protect the confidentiality of our constituents and the confidence they have placed in us.
This policy assures our customers of the highest standards of financial reporting and ethical behavior while complying with all state and federal statutes in handling reports of illegal or unethical conduct with financial reporting or other aspects of our business. The policy describes reporting procedures and the assurance of no retaliation.