Depaul USA opens first Dax house in L.A.

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On Thursday, November 9, 2023, Depaul USA officially opened the Dax residence – The first in Los Angeles – which will provide housing and comprehensive case management support for six homeless or housing-insecure students from LA Trade Tech Community College and the University of Southern California, helping them to stay in school and successfully complete their education. The Dax program provides a stable and safe housing alternative, within walking distance of both colleges. The program provides students with the following services:

  • Safe and affordable housing;
  • Book stipends, tutoring, transportation assistance, and other essential needs assistance;
  • Physical and mental health support;
  • Career counseling, including work readiness and resume development;
  • Leadership development opportunities;
  • Budgeting and life skills workshops; and
  • Networking opportunities
  • Plus more…

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Sacred Heart Comet Continues to Inspire

Sacred Heart High School’s oldest graduate (1943) and former Student Body President, LoisMcVey Johnson, celebrates 99 years of vigor, Catholic fervor/devotion, and an effervescent,positive attitude