CCF-LA’s Business is Far and Wide!

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By area: We have over 4 million Catholics in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, spanning across 5 pastoral regions, with 288 parishes in 120 cities – wow! CCF-LA is so excited to continue working in and expanding our approach to encompass all regions in our Catholic community. It has been so wonderful to work with and to grow our Development Committee to meet the far reaches of our Diocese. We are headed into 2023 prepared to keep expanding our reach from Long Beach to Lompoc, and everything in between.

By product offerings: We offer customized charitable funds that meet the philanthropic goals of charitable individuals and organizations. We have always offered our Agency Fund, Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), Scholarship, and endowed fund products, but we have since evolved some of those products and created new ones! For example, for our organizational clients we now offer a Designated Fund, similar to an endowment, that can be set up as permanent or non-permanent fund based on your needs.

We also created the New Philanthropist DAF a few years back as a product to teach next generations how to give. We are always evolving to find solutions and we look forward to embarking on the new year working with our current and future clients.

The role of our Development Committee is vital in all our efforts, as they are from varying regions, parishes, and professional backgrounds and experiences.

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CCF-LA Blessing

On August 28th, our new offices in Glendale were blessed by Archbishop José Gomez, with some of our clients, our bankers, and our staff on