Together In Mission

Together in Mission provides financial support to Catholic schools and parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Together in Mission is the annual Catholic appeal of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, founded in 1993 and has raised nearly $360 million for schools and parishes in the Archdiocese. Donations enable Together in Mission to provide essential […]
Mater Dolorosa Passion Retreat Center

Mater Dolorosa Passionate Retreat Center is dedicated to preaching the Passion of Jesus Christ and its relevance in the lives of people who wish to hear the message of the Passion through traditions of preaching, hospitality, and compassion. Mater Dolorosa Passionate Retreat fosters and promotes spiritual growth and renewal through retreat programs and a peaceful […]
CCF-LA’s Business is Far and Wide!
By area: We have over 4 million Catholics in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, spanning across 5 pastoral regions, with 288 parishes in 120 cities – wow! CCF-LA is so excited to continue working in and expanding our approach to encompass all regions in our Catholic community. It has been so wonderful to work with and […]
A New Year and Renewed Pursuit of the Meaning of Life
Beginning a new year is an opportunity to assess what’s important in our lives and with that comes for each of us a resolve to spend more time and effort in the pursuit of those activities. Most likely, the meaningful part has to do with the people in your life. Every day, we encounter […]