Archbishop’s Visit with Pope Francis

“We are grateful to support Pope Francis in inviting people all over the world to pray for seminarians and women religious as they seek to discern God’s beautiful plan for their lives,” said Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, who met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on April 29.

PMA Impact Gala

On April 27th St. Pius – St. Matthius Academy and Grand Reunion Impact Gala was hosted in their gymnasium at their current location in Downey CA. Our Board members John Smet and Raul Salinas were honored. Raul Salinas was honored in the Alumni Hall of Fame as an Influential non-profit leader and class of ’78. John […]

Social Service Auxiliary

On April 19, 2024 a few staff members from CCF-LA attended the Sisters of Social Services Spiritus Award Luncheon at the California Club. Honoring Roseann Anderson, for her commitment to philanthropy and service is unparalleled. There was a tribute video for Roseann recognizing her involvement.

Archbishop’s Awards Dinner

On Saturday, March 11, 2023, CCF-LA attended the 2024 Archbishop’s Awards Dinner at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. An evening of grace and gratitude that has honored extraordinary commitment to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles since the late 1980s, this year’s honorees included Daniel K. Walker, Delia Wilson-Johnson, Lew and Lisa Horne, Thomas J. Blumenthal, and […]

Client Services

During this season of Lent, our clients are making grants to support social services and education, ever mindful of the need to do something positive in preparation for Easter. Clients with charitable funds are learning to be in the habit of making grants. At CCF-LA, we don’t want their funds to sit idle when so […]

Remembering Bishop Dave

One year after Bishop Dave’s passing, we remember the support and advocacy that he gave as a board member to CCF-LA. He was always there for us, and when he offered to do anything, he meant it and did it. He was particularly passionate about Catholic school education and serving the poor and marginalized. He […]

Housing Alliance

The appreciation lunch was hosted by Bill Shaw for all of the individuals and their organizations that worked so diligently over the last 18 months to bring the ADLA Housing Alliance, a 501c3, into existence. On hand were Rodrigo Gonzalez, board president, and Amy Anderson, Executive Director, along with several board members, including Joe Womac […]

Kindergarteners Experience the Solar Eclipse

The 5 and 6-year-olds at a local Catholic parish school got to experience the solar eclipse in their science class. They had protective glasses and made special hats to get ready for the excitement of watching the natural phenomenon. 


Sunday, January 28, 2024, marked the annual Eucharistic Celebration at the Cathedral of OurLady for Religious Jubilarians. The Archbishop José Gomez and his five auxiliary bishops wereall on hand to celebrate and honor the religious women and men marking their 25, 35, 40, 50, 60,70 and yes, 75 years of service in religious life. The […]

St. Peter & Paul Annual Gala

Jimmy Ozaeta attended the Saints Peter & Paul School Annual Gala Dinner & Auction Saturday,February 3, 2024.  The fun-filled event consisted of an auction, school choir performance, anddinner.  Bishop Marc Trudeau and Fr. Claude were on hand for the event.  Congratulations to theSaint Peter & Paul board members and school community for an amazing fundraising […]