A Farewell Lunch

As we are winding down the last of our staff luncheons in our main conference room, we had a great time celebrating the 4th of July! We’ve had many holidays and special occasions here. Many important meetings and decisions were made in this room that made CCF-LA what and who we are today.
Our Seminarian Interns

I’m Carlos Tobón, a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Before seminary, I was a middle school teacher heavily involved in parish ministry and playing music. In my time CCF-LA, I have witnessed impressive teamwork and a deep motivation to serve the purpose of our foundation. This experience has been a great supplement to […]
CCF-LA Visits the Cathedral

In July, CCF-LA permanent staff and five summer interns were treated to a tour of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels conducted uniquely by Br. Hilarion O’Connor, OSF. Br. Hilarion has an historical perspective since he was with Cardinal Mahony and his advisors, the architect, builders and fundraisers before, during and after the […]
CALL-Family Day!

Once again, the Chaves family hosted the CALL Family Day at their paddocks near Los Feliz on June 30. Rodrigo Gonzalez, national chair of CALL, was on hand to guide the events beginning with mass on the grass-celebrated by Fr. Peter Saucedo, director of the Vocations Office for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles-followed by a […]
Summer is a Time to recharge, which includes a move for CCF-LA!

July marks the middle of a year, a time to look back and to look forward – because there is still time to achieve yearly goals and those New Year’s resolutions made on January 1st. Looking back, it’s important to acknowledge what has been accomplished in the first six months, any bumps along the way, and to […]